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30 April 2008

Tonight, it took me five minutes to get anything out of the honey bottle.

Thoughts floating around right now:

The characteristics of a heart beat(maybe capitalized)

Abstract loneliness


The time it takes to move on

Move on?

If you were to marry someone, would you rather have lots of food or lots of fun(and possibly die of starvation)?

Stealing is wrong

I haven't posted anything interesting on this blog for quite some time

Punctuation is powerful

I hate cliches and stereotypes with an underwhelming passion

To write how you feel - the key to poetic genius.

If you had to choose: Stream of conciousness, or polished performance?

Things I want to do before I die: 72. Make a movie that I'm proud of. 73. Do the things I want to do before I die.

737. 104. 56. Significant numbers in my life

74. Travel somewhere and stay there until I run out of money. Then find a way home.

75. Have a home.

Life is not worth living without a death worth dying.

Contrast - it defines everything. Highs and low are worth it. Don't avoid pain for the sake of avoiding it. Do things that you know will hurt. Do things that make you look stupid. Do things everybody says are pointless(trvial things). Don't be afraid to be hungry, thirsty, homeless, alone, or afraid. Go into the world with only the clothes on your back and a staff in your hand.

76. Walk somewhere, and find a place to sleep.

I'm alone too much for my own good

77. Be with other people for an entire month.

It's sad that has to be a goal

78. Write a poem from the heart. Learn how to write good poetry.

79. Go for three months without the Internet, telephones, and television, while in North America. Keep a journal and post it on a blog afterwards.

Act on the things important to you

80. Kiss someone who loves me and my hair at 12:00am, outside, with a cold wind freezing our ears.

Romance - something that everyone knows something about...if we only knew what everyone knows

I want to be famous. I hate that I want to be famous

The only thing worse than nothing is everything.

81. Feel joy.

Learn to trust in Jesus and his power over sin


"This is a faithful word, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."

Humility is the hardest thing in life, but also the most rewarding.

North American culture is shit. "of whom I am chief."

"Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God"

Do this sometime. Even if nobody cares. Even if they wish you hadn't.

Give someone a second chance today. Odds are, they need it.

29 April 2008

Coldplay just released their first new song since X&Y, titled "Violet Hill", available for download at .

Check it out. It's awesome.

19 April 2008

I'm melting inside. Courage and confidence.

15 April 2008

I just drank some tea and went through old pictures of Luke, Jon and I. Now I'm really happy :). Sick, but happy :).

I also discovered a band called "The Frames", who have an excellent song titled "God Bless Mom."

01 April 2008

This evening, I burned my finger while attempting to taste my rotini and ground beef creation.

Not quite as peaceful as yesterday.