25 October 2007
I have been having such an excellent time with life lately! I can't even believe how fun and amusing everything is. Seriously, people, stop for two seconds, look around, and find something about your life that's absolutely hilarious that you've never thought of before. If you haven't taken my Facebook quiz, take it, because it's amusing me to DEATH right now. Like, not the laugh-out-loud-for-two-hours type of amusing, but more like the this-internal-pressure-of-amusingness-is-going-to-make-me-explode type of amusing. You can compliment my sentence writing ability later.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure Wednesdays are my favourite day of the week. I am in SUCH a good mood.
Gah, I just want everyone to be happy! I am so full of joy and delight in life that if I don't pass it on, I probably will die from some sort of internal hemorrhaging. Dance! That's what I(and you) need to do. I think I shall go dance.
11 October 2007
07 October 2007
Dear Keith,
Thank you for your submission, Gone.
We really enjoyed your mobisode and would like to include it on SHORTSNONSTOP.COM!
Content Agreement etc, etc.
Confused? This means that I qualify for the judging stage in this little competiton of mine. 6 users have rated my film already, 3\5 stars, which is around where I'd expect it to be...
05 October 2007
It's gone
Well, dear friends, I have entered my first short film into my first film festival. This truly was one of my fastest productions, I started planning and organizing on the 2nd of October, came up with a cast, crew, and location as well as equipment by the 3rd, at which time I shot all of my footage, in the dark, with artificial lighting. On the 4th, I edited the footage at the same time that I composed and produced my own music, as well as titling and credits. On the 5th, I submitted my completed film, just before the deadline(the 5th :)). It is now in the approval process....if approved, fifteen days after the 5th(the would be the 20th of October), I should be notified of the final results. I hope to at least make the Top Ten.
At this time, I'd like to specially thank a few people who helped me out, in chronological order. First, I'd like to thank Rachel Laird for brainstorming with me(I was brainstorming before the 2nd), her ideas led me into the direction I finally decided upon.
Second, I would like to thank Mark Geier, my employer, who was lenient enough to let me use all his equipmemt. I wouldn't have had anything without his assistance.
Third, I'd like to thank my wonderful cast and crew, specifically, Brittni Vandenhaak, Kira Lodder, Luke Bonvanie, and by reason of residence, Jordan Geier. You guys put up with my disorganized mess of things, and helped me pull together a result that actually looks somewhat decent. Thanks :).
Fourth, to the parents of the aforementioned cast and crew, for allowing me to keep your sons and daughters up late. Well, I wouldn't say you really allowed me to, but, I haven't had any lectures yet, so I think I'm in the clear :). A special thanks to Mrs. Lodder, who kindly provided us with a quick dinner and fashion advice, which was very much apprechiated.
Fifth, to all of my friends, you people have influenced me in ways that nobody will ever be able to know(not even me). Thank you for your encouragement, support, and words of wisdom.
That's it for now......wait, what? You want to actually see it? Uhm....ok, I guess.